On the home page we spoke about how Jesus can

change your direction in life, from a burning hell

to joy and peace and heavenly beauty, by reaching

out to him and accepting his birth, death on the

cross;  and resurrection.  He came to this world died

for our sins and now He has been resurrected and is

at the right hand of the Father.  When we believe in what happened, over 2000 years ago and believe that

only through Him we can have eternal life, then will

we be saved.  Let us turn from our sinful ways by

depending on Jesus and in what He did on the cross

"will be" enough for our salvaion.

If you have not prayed the sinners prayer, please

repeat this prayer right here and right now.

"Lord Jesus I am (your name) a sinner and I want to

be saved.  Come into my life and change me where I

need changing in the Holy name of Jesus save my

soul.  Amen"

What is "the truth"?  I look at it this way, before you

were born, there was a history of the world that was

made.  For example if you go back into our history

far enough you would read about how the United

States of America was founded.  You would also read

about the civil war and about how President Lincoln

was assassinated.  History is an actuallity.  It is what

actual happened, there might be some minor

discrepancies but these events actually happened.

Someone wrote or told you about the things that

indeed took place in the past.  The bible is a book that tells you about things which occured in the past,

 things which are happening now, and also things which will happen in the future.  The bible tells of a just God and his love for the people which He created.


The bible is a book of truth; read the bible and see

that God who loves you, has revealed a truthful

documentation, of His relationship with mankind.

Believe on His Son Jesus then, in turn He will do what

He said and give you eternal life.  Praise God.

Now let's talk about evolution.  The truth about

evolution is that there are no human beings who have

evolved from an ameba and said this is what has

happened to them.  The evolutionist is not speaking

on actuallities, but on probabilities.  For actuallities

are facts and the truth.  Probabilities are unproven

possibilities which is destroyed by the truth.  Amen.

The truth is that Jesus has granted us a way of salvation.

That way is to confess Him as your personal savior.

Repent from your sins.

Trust in Him for your deliverance.

Why?  Because Jesus Christ Loves You.  Amen